Proview on the IBOX A20 / NEMA2000
Showing engine data on a boat (twin engine) by using:
- IBOX A20
- Proview full development station based on 5.1.0-4
- NMEA2000
Santa Claus was early this year.
In first case, I had in mind, to use the intern 4GB for Debian. Stripping both Proview and Debian down and to use the MicroSD for Proview projects.
Surfed the Net and found a Microsoft base application named PhoenixSuit Tool.
Tried it but it's crap.
Don't want to waste time on this, running only from MicroSD. Downloaded Debian 7 and gave the image a "dd" to the MicroSD (root:olimex). MicroSD should be at least 8GB.
Oh, no....
The IBOX A20, (Allwinner) has repeatedly violating the GPL.
Companies like this don't understand the need and support of an active community to make their product successful, including a stable GNU/Linux support.
OK. I had the next problems which are not Proview related:
- Network stalling
- Graphical crash
- Filesystem corrupted
Tried another Debian image (
And again problems..:
- NIC completely dead
- Even Android doesn't want to start-up anymore (I didn't touch the NAND FLASH at all)
Conclusion until now:
- I know Proview can run very well on this little box
- Lack of documentation
- Lack of community
- Unstable GNU/Linux images
- Read about problems with overheated capacitors (NIC related)
- Maybe is mine already "broken"
Standard Proview (pwrsrc 5.1.0-4) compiling on the IBOX A20
(Debian 7)
The network interface is not configurated as dhcp client.
Open a terminal:
As root:
nano /etc/network/interface and delete the hash in the line:
auto eth0 and save.
Create a user "pwrp" with password "pwrp".
nano /etc/group
- make the pwrp user a member of the dialout and sudo group.
nano /etc/slim.conf
- set the default_user to pwrp
change hostname in /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname to a20
As root:
apt-get update
apt-get purge vlc mplayer smplayer gnome-mplayer xscreensaver
apt-get autoremove
cd /usr/local
tar zxvf jdk-7u60-linux-arm-vfp-hflt.tar.gz
rm jdk-7u60-linux-arm-vfp-hflt.tar.gz
ln -sf jdk1.7.0_60 jdk
apt-get -y install openssh-server gcc g++ make flex libgtk2.0-dev libdb5.1-dev libdb5.1++-dev libasound2-dev doxygen libmysql++-dev libusb-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi libantlr-dev antlr apache2 libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 librsvg2-dev libpcap-dev ant --no-install-recommends
Make JDK Oracle default:
update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/usr/local/jdk/bin/java" 1
update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/javac" "javac" "/usr/local/jdk/bin/javac" 1
update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/jar" "jar" "/usr/local/jdk/bin/jar" 1
update-alternatives --config java
mkdir /usr/local/pwrp
chown pwrp:pwrp /usr/local/pwrp
cd /etc/
Login as user "pwrp"
Open a terminal:
pwrp@a20:~$ wget
pwrp@a20:~$ tar zxvf pwrsrc_5.1.0-4.tar.gz
pwrp@a20:~$ cd pwrsrc_5.1.0-4
pwrp@a20:~$ wget
pwrp@a20:~$ tar zxvf adm.tar.gz
pwrp@a20:~$ rm adm.tar.gz
pwrp@a20:~$ mkdir rls
pwrp@a20:~$ cd /home/pwrp/pwrsrc_5.1.0-4/src/tools/pwre/src/os_linux/
pwrp@a20:~$ wget
pwrp@a20:~$ mv
pwrp@a20:~$ chmod +x
pwrp@a20:~$ cd /home/pwrp
pwrp@a20:~$ cp .bashrc .bashrc.old
pwrp@a20:~$ wget
pwrp@a20:~$ mv bashrc-a20 .bashrc
pwrp@a20:~$ source .bashrc
You will get an error pwrp not found.
pwrp@a20:~$ pwre add a20
- Source root: /home/pwrp/pwrsrc_5.1.0-4/src
- Import root:
- Build root: /home/pwrp/pwrsrc_5.1.0-4/rls
- Build type: dbg
- OS: Linux
- Hardware: arm
- Discription: a20
pwrp@a20:~$ pwre init a20
pwrp@a20:~$ pwre configure
pwrp@a20:~$ pwre create_all_modules
pwrp@a20:~$ pwre build_all_modules; pwre build_all_modules
Sleep, walk the dog, cook. This will take a couple of hours.......
pwrp@a20:~$ pwra
The complete Proview Development station has been build/compiled and is running. To be honest I am impressed by the speed. A "pwra", which opens the projectlist, takes around 9 seconds.
Proview on a $70 box (without MicroSD and power supply).
"Lost" the engines. Project obsolete...