Proview on th Odroid U3+
Debian/Wheezy and Arch Linux
One thing is for sure. HDMI-DVI can be a trouble maker. I was pretty close to use a hammer and to say good bye to the U3. But after I gave another LCD-Monitor a try the problems with HDMI-DVI were gone. Seems to be there are more people with Monitor (settings) problems....
Proview 5.2.1-2
Proview 5.2.1-2
Debian Weezy and a Mega2560.
- Baudrate: 19200
- PLC scan time 100 ms
- Analog inputs: 16
- PWM: 12
- Digital inputs: 12
- Digital outputs: 16
- Analog values (Av): 12
- Digital values (Dv): 18
No fancy plc, only signal handling in a double buffered graph. 2 LDR's as Analog input test, a button and two LED's (one for PWM)
- Boot -> LXDE -> 15 sec
- eMMC (8GB)
- $ df -h : 82% use
- sdf "project", pwrs upstart: 10 sec
- open root volume: 57 sec
- write speed micro SD:
- time sh -c "dd if=/dev/zero of=testfile bs=100k count=1k && sync"
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 0.406231 s, 258 MB/s
real 0m21.687s
user 0m0.010s
sys 0m0.370s

rt_xtt_gtk 2.3% CPU
My first impression of the U3+, Debian/Wheezy in general as PC/Laptop replacement (Proview Development Station).
- Project creation and up start is ok
- GE and the plc editor and compiling, no problem.
- If you are working with many projects:
- Thats up to you
- Lack of I/O compared to the Rpi but tons of possibilities with Arduino, Modbus and Powerlink
- Nice board, if you have luck with your HDMI-DVI monitor....
Arch Linux .....
Race monster!